Find Your Fire
Individual Volunteers
Will you be the spark that sets our community ablaze with change? Check out some of our ongoing events and plan your volunteer opportunities for the whole year.

Corporate Partners
Tell us how we can help you make a difference! No need to login to the volunteer site, just call 803.733.5412 or email Laura Gould, Community Engagement Manager, about workplace campaigns, sponsorships, and other volunteer opportunities.

Non-Profit Partners
You know your needs better than anyone! Login to your profile to add a need, request for an in-kind donation, or call for volunteers. We'll review your request and work with you to get it posted on the site. While you're waiting, consider supporting another agency in your community!

Become a Fan
Not ready to volunteer just yet? That's okay. Become a fan of your favorite agencies and you'll get updates on their latest news, events, and volunteer opportunities. You'll have everything you need to get started when you're ready.
Track Your Impact
Ongoing Initiatives
Thanks to our Volunteer Center Sponsors!
AgFirst Farm Credit Bank
Carolina Gas Transmission, a BHE GT&S company