Workplace campaigns bring your colleagues together for a cause. Whether you are a small or large organization, the impact you can make through collective giving is substantial.
- Realize corporate citizenship goals with easy, turnkey tools
- Learn about the Midlands most pressing needs and what you can do to help
- Access a ready-made database of volunteer opportunities that offer team-building camaraderie
- Raise funds that stay right here in our community to help promote health, stability, and education
What is a workplace campaign?
Workplace campaigns are a short period of time where you and your employees try to raise money to support the United Way! Employees pledge to donate a small portion of their paychecks over the course of the year. Small amounts, bundled together, add up to a large impact and an easy way to give back to the community.
Every dollar counts, just like every person in our community.
$500 buys...
- 50 free tax returns for low-income taxpayers
- 50 school supply packages for 50 Midlands Reading Consortium students
$1,000 buys...
- 5 weeks of home-delivered meals for four senior citizens
- 200 days of quality after-school care
$2,500 buys...
- 65 comprehensive eye exams and glasses for uninsured or under-insured patients at WellPartners Eye Clinic
- 50 homeless youth receive stable, supportive housing and an opportunity to succeed
$5,000 buys...
- 166 visits and cleanings at WellPartners Children’s Dental Clinic
Ready to get started?
Let's make a difference in our community, together. Contact Murray Coleman, Director of New Business Development, at (803) 758-6990.
Running a Campaign
- Choose a campaign director to lead your organization and let them recruit a team.
Teams allow campaign directors to divide responsibilities into defined roles including: marketing and events, communication, finance, human resources, department liaisons, etc. Seek the wisdom of experienced campaign volunteers and mix in new staff for a fresh perspective.
- Set a goal.
Goals should be both challenging and realistic. Before you set a goal for your United Way Campaign, research the past trends of your workplace—including donation levels, number of staff and overall employee participation. United Way staff can provide all these details for you! Keep things fun by setting both monetary and participation objectives. Create goals that are motivating and attainable, and you’re sure to hit them.
- Determine your start and end date.
- Plan campaign activities.
This is the fun part! Plan a campaign kickoff, special events, volunteer activities, and most importantly, a wrap party.
- Inform and ask.
The #1 reason cited why individuals do not give is simply because they were never asked. You can do a group ask, where you learn about United Way together, or individual asks, which often results in greater participation.
- Thank everyone.
One of the most important aspects of a campaign is saying "thank you" and communicating your success with your team!