
We partner with people who support our mission to improve education, health, and stability in the Midlands. These include local nonprofits, government entities, and other organizations who share our values.


United Way of the Midlands welcomes partnerships with health and human service agencies that address human needs in the community and meet certain organizational standards. Community Impact Partner status does not guarantee United Way funding, but Community Impact Partners are eligible to submit proposals for competitive grants solicited by UWM.

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Applications for 2025-2026 Impact Grants are now open!

Click here to access the 2025-2026 Request for Proposals

Applications must be submitted by Friday, March 14 at 5pm. Only UWM Community Impact Partners may apply.

Interested in becoming a Community Impact PARTNER?

As a partner, you'll be eligible to receive grant money to fund projects that make a difference in our community. To become a Community Impact Partner, please contact Elliott Epps

Community Impact Partners Eligibility Criteria Practice Standards

Partner Spotlight


Our grants support Sistercare, which operates three shelters in Richland and Lexington counties for battered women and their children who need a safe place to stay. The shelters offer a non-judgmental atmosphere where women can escape violence and plan for the future. Counseling, court advocacy, referrals for increasing self-sufficiency, room, food, laundry facilities, clothing, transportation, and more are provided.


In 2019, United Way of the Midlands gave Community Impact grants totaling almost $3.5 million to nonprofit organizations serving the Midlands.

Renewed grants will support a range of programs that contribute to the health of our society by meeting basic human service needs -  like shelter for homeless youth, dental and eye care, and other programs that contribute to self-sufficiency.

New grants support United Way’s focus areas, including:


Early childhood literacy - to make sure children are READY to learn when they enter kindergarten, READING on grade level by third grade and SUCCEEDING in middle school and beyond.

See All Education Grants


Leading the fight against hunger and food insecurity for senior adults who do not have the resources to sustain healthy lifestyles.

See All Homelessness Grants

Youth Homelessness

The new Youth in Transition Initiative that focuses on providing resources for a growing population of homeless youth ages 17 - 24.

See All Homelessness Grants


Access to health care, including dental and eye care for the uninsured or underinsured.

See All Healthcare Grants

Partner Spotlight

Able South Carolina

Our grants support Able South Carolina, a nonprofit that provides an array of independent living services to people of all ages with all types of disabilities. Able's EQUIP program is an inclusive, educational group designed to teach young adults (ages 13-28) with disabilities how to take the lead on their lives, advocate for their rights, and engage in their communities.