Housing & Homelessness Update - Spring 2023

Continuum of Care Funds
In April the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced that, through the CoC grants, the Midlands Area consortium for the Homeless (MACH) was awarded over $4.1 million to combat homelessness in the Midlands – the highest award in South Carolina. MACH serves 13 counties including Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun, Chester, Fairfield, Lancaster, Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg, Richland, and York. A total of 21 unique projects supporting permanent housing programs, support services, and infrastructure will be funded. This includes two new projects, one which increases beds for veterans, families, and the chronically homeless; and one project serving survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault.
Emergency Food and Shelter Program
The Department of Homeland Security, under the Emergency Food and Shelter Program’s Phase 40, has allocated the following funds: Fairfield County: $10,106 Lexington County: $83,351 Richland County: $139,703 Newberry County: $10,989. County-level allocation committees met to make funding recommendations which were forwarded to the EFSP Local Board for approval. The EFSP Local Board voted to fund 15 agencies across the four counties. The funds will assist with providing rent/mortgage payment assistance, utility payment assistance, hotel/motel vouchers, shelter infrastructure and meals, delivered/served meals, and food pantry support.