
Error message

User warning: Trying to overwrite a cache redirect for "entity_view:block:breadcrumbs:[languages:language_interface]=en:[theme]=uway:[user.permissions]=0c99d2463f17def3c56f3e652532553b8ebfa3eb73715d6f375773b6cb05f25c" with one that has nothing in common, old one at address "languages:language_interface, theme, user.permissions" was pointing to "route.menu_active_trails:main, url.path", new one points to "url.path.parent, url.path.is_front, user.node_grants:view, route". in Drupal\Core\Cache\VariationCache->set() (line 144 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Cache/VariationCache.php).
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Understanding Poverty Culture

When individuals are in poverty for 2 or more generations, a new culture emerges. This culture has its own values, language and hidden rules. If we fail to recognize and understand this culture, we will engage this community in ineffective and potentially harmful ways. This training will seek to bring understanding to the driving forces and hidden rules within generational poverty and give practical steps for moving forward. Source Material: Bridges Out of Poverty by Ruby Payne 

Possible outcomes:
To address the potential bias towards persons living in generational poverty
Create a framework for understanding those impacted by poverty
Raise awareness of the struggle, values and strengths of people impacted by poverty
Lessen judgment and raise compassion, through a proper understanding of culture
Provide effective tools for reaching into communities and building mutual relationships 
Led by Mindy Jamison:

Mindy has more than 20 years of experience working with churches, agencies and communities, focused on generational poverty. Her expertise is found in assisting organizations in re-visioning how they connect, in healthy ways, with their poverty impacted community.

Mindy has a B.A. in Human Services and an M. Div. in Christian Education with a major in Social Work. Most recently, she was Director of Friendship Center, a nonprofit Community Center in Des Moines, Iowa.

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