Health Research

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United Way of the Midlands understands that without access to basic healthcare, emergency room visits skyrocket, costing our community and taxpayers in the long run. Our research helps us understand where we can provide targeted services that help people, getting more value out of every dollar we spend on programming. 

South Carolina 2022 County Health Rankings 

The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps brings actionable data, evidence, guidance, and stories to communities to make it easier for people to be healthy in their neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces.

Download County Health Rankings (PDF)


Wholespire provides communities with proven and sustainable approaches that lead to increased access to healthy choices for ALL people. We want informed influencers and empowered communities who work together to ensure an equitable South Carolina, where everyone has access to healthy choices.

Wholespire Website

Healthcare and Homelessness Report

A study released by the South Carolina Coalition for the Homeless (SCCH) and United Way of the Midlands reveals that people who are homeless in South Carolina consumed more than $1 billion in health care between 2010 and 2012.

The report reveals factors contributing to the high cost of homelessness, including the insurance coverage gap between Medicaid and the Health Insurance Marketplace; showing that about one-third ($342 million) of all charges were billed to individuals without insurance.

Download Health Care and Homelessness Report (PDF)


InfantSEE, a public health program, is designed to ensure that eye and vision care becomes an essential part of infant wellness care to improve a child's quality of life. Under this program, participating optometrists provide a comprehensive infant eye assessment between 6 and 12 months of age as a no-cost public service.

InfantSEE Website

South Carolina Department on Aging

The South Carolina Department on Aging (SCDOA) enhances the quality of life for seniors in South Carolina. The SCDOA works with a network of regional and local organizations to develop and manage services that help seniors remain independent in their homes and in their communities.

South Carolina Department on Aging Website

SC Obesity Action Plan

The purpose of the South Carolina Obesity Action Plan is to educate, engage, and mobilize partners to help make the healthy choice the easy choice for South Carolinians. The state plan aims to build on the success of current efforts and offers new strategies to reduce obesity rates in the Palmetto State.

Download SC Obesity Action Plan (PDF)

South Carolina Self-Sufficiency Standards

How much does an individual or family need to earn to live without public or private assistance in South Carolina? The Self-Sufficiency Standard answers that question and more.

This report presents and analyzes The Self-Sufficiency Standard for South Carolina 2016. This measure calculates how much income a family must earn to meet basic needs, with the amount varying by family composition and where they live. The Standard presented here is a tool that can be used in a variety of ways—by clients of workforce and training programs seeking paths to self-sufficiency, by program managers to evaluate program effectiveness, and by policymakers and legislators seeking to create programs and pathways that lead to self-sufficiency for working families.

View the full report