Campaign for Good

Better housing, better job opportunities, better access to care. Join our Campaign for Good and experience what good we can create for generations to come.

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Help us create generational change in the Midlands.

MacKenzie Scott's generous $10 million gift to the United Way of the Midlands has opened the door to even greater possibilities. Now, we need your help to build on this momentum and raise additional funds for our community. 

Your support will drive our Strategic Impact Plan, boosting education, jobs, healthcare, housing, and more. Let’s work together to turn this opportunity into lasting change!

HELP US guarantee a better quality of life.

Our first step in creating generational change is employing new, innovative principles in our work. 


  1. A New, Whole Family Strategy

    We strengthen family economic stability by simultaneously working with children and the adults in their lives through our signature programs. 

    Our process is based on the Siemer Institute’s Two-Generation model, which accomplishes two outcomes that are the bedrock of breaking the cycle of poverty:

    • increasing income, and;
    • improving housing stability. 

    Siemer, a private family foundation in Ohio, works exclusively with United Ways across the country. The Whole Family Strategy provides long-term case management to help the parents improve their workforce skills to obtain better-paying jobs, reduce barriers such as lingering legal issues, and achieve and sustain long-term housing stability in safe neighborhoods. The model also ensures that the children in the family are enrolled in tutoring, after-school, and summer programs to provide for their social and emotional development. 

    Launched in 2021 with a limited reach in only four of our counties, United Way seeks to expand this model to all six of our counties.

    Your gifts secure matching dollars that will help United Way serve even more families by starting with a strong educational foundation, enhancing workforce development skills and building resilience.

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  2. A New Opportunity for Workforce Development

    We have an opportunity to create generational change by helping young men of color who are college capable but otherwise would not have gone to college become graduates.

    Workforce development has become a critical need in the Midlands.

    • 60 percent of jobs require post-secondary degrees or certifications. 
    • Only 16 percent of Black men have a bachelor’s degree compared to 33 percent of white males. 

    Young Men United is a workforce-development initiative with a proven track record in other communities. It creates barrier-free pathways for young men of color to pursue their academic and career dreams through paired mentorship, internships, and educational support. 

    In the summer of 2022, the State of South Carolina provided United Way of the Midlands with $350,000 to launch Young Men United to break this cycle of limited educational opportunities. 

    Campaign for Good will support stipends for internships and mentor-matching opportunities, and new case management staff to lead the program.

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  3. Increase Affordable Housing by Seeding Innovative Approaches

    If we want a thriving workforce, we must provide quality housing and use creative new approaches.

    The Midlands has an affordable housing crisis, and its symptoms have far-reaching effects.

    • Our community lacks an estimated 50,000 units of affordable housing.
    • Since 2020, the average rent for a onebedroom apartment in South Carolina has increased by 29 percent. 

    United Way of the Midlands can’t solve the affordable housing crisis alone. To start the process, we must invest in our community’s capacity to create affordable housing that is new and innovative, targeted to the people most in need, including workforce housing for young adults and families and single-room housing for low-income, single adults.

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With your help, we’re forging a more resilient, connected community here in the Midlands, breaking cycles of crisis and empowering people to chart their own paths to success.

Donate Now, Guarantee Good

A Message from Our Co-Chairs

Generational change is more than a promise. It's a guarantee. Through your support of the Campaign for Good, United Way can assure that every donation and act of volunteering will create positive, lasting impacts in our community. We aim for a thriving Midlands community, and with your help, we are making strides towards this goal.

This moment is an opportunity that our community cannot afford to squander. We must not attempt to solve new problems with old ways of thinking. Our goal is to continue leveraging your gifts to become cycle breakers, path makers, and the driving force propelling our community forward.

Thank you for your unwavering support and for being part of the positive change we are creating for generations to come. Together, we are building a brighter future for the Midlands.

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2024 Graduation

Young Men United

Young Men United (YMU) is an evidence-informed initiative designed to create barrier-free pathways for young men to reach their academic and career goals by bringing wrap around supports to college capable high school students starting in the 10th or 11th grade.

Truist awards $520,000

United Way’s housing and whole family initiatives

United Way’s Whole Family Strategy for families provides long-term support to improve workforce skills and employment, while addressing barriers to their path to financial stability and independence. Services are also provided to the children and youth in the family to ensure they have strong, resilient foundations.

The Village

Creating Affordable Housing for Educators in Fairfield County

To help solve the challenge of affordable housing for educators, United Way of the Midlands has invested $600,000 toward The Village, a community that prioritizes homes for certified teachers.

STEM Learning Ecosystem

Midlands Reading Consortium

Midlands Reading Consortium (MRC) is a literacy-based program that helps increase the number of children reading at grade level at the start of fourth grade. Recently, a STEM component was added to six of our MRC schools, to prepare our youth for the global economy through fun, age-appropriate STEM afterschool engagements and programming.